Pavitra wrote on 5/26/19 6:58 PM May 26, 2019> The stuff in your pocket *is* a computer. With more processing power and
bells and whistles than the early computing devices that one started out

The supercomputers in our pockets.

Early computing geniuses would grind their teeth in frustration to see all the ways we waste the computing power we carry around with us.

Increasing screen real estate increases our productivity dramatically, so what happens when we decrease it to the size of an index card?

I was a late mobile phone adopter. I soon came to realize that the difficulty of typing any message at all gave me a sense of triumph way out of proportion to the thought I'd expressed.

Touchscreens limit our outgoing communications at the same time the tiny screens whittle down our willingness to read.

My own solution is to use my 27" iMac or at least an iPad to send and receive messages whenever practicable. I still need to be mindful of the fact that the people on the other side are probably just using their phones.

--hmm, who finds that decades of haiku study have proven useful after all.

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