So this may seem obvious to many, but it was a fairly big deal for me
- to realise (actually, accept) that there are individuals who cannot
be moved by reason and logic - be it on political issues or personal
issues. I suppose I'd always viewed their imperviousness as having
some limit, some breaking point, but I was forced to accept that I
might be chasing the infinite here (Was it Einstein who said...?)

It's one thing to state this as I do, it has been completely another
to reconcile to it as a fact and to learn to change my expectations
and operations accordingly. You might say that this was (and still is
in some ways) a shift in world-view that led to a existential crisis
(pardon me for sounding like an angsty teenager). If reason is not
supreme, then what is? How does one continue to interact with people
if reason is not what connects us, and how does one operate knowing
that reason cannot work, will not triumph (PS. Autocorrect just filled
that as "trump" which, while not incorrect, is a step on the road to
the place where irony goes to die.

-End of rant-
Krishna Udayasankar, PhD.

On Thu, 9 Jan 2020 at 12:02, Udhay Shankar N <> wrote:
> Like it says. What have you started or stopped believing in in 2019, and
> why?
> Udhay
> --
> ((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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