M. G. Devour wrote:
> Dameon wrote:
> > Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not*
> > know that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who*
> > would want to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe....
> I don't know, Dameon, the Texans I've met have been a little bit
> "different" for sure, but...
> I've verified the anecdote about the world's population being able to
> fit in Texas, and still have 1500 square feet for each person to move
> around in. I admit it would not be sustainable, but picture the
> *entire* rest of the globe completely wild and unpeopled.
> Gives a different perspective on the environmentalists who are
> predicting such dire consequences from overpopulation, doesn't it?
> Raises my skepticism a notch or two.
> Yes, I know this is off topic. Sheesh! <grin>
> Mike D.
Over in Eroupe there is a little country called Monaco.
sq. mile .58  Popoulation, 28,000 = 1 person per 323 square foot.
No income tax - No corporate tax.
Half of all income = Tourists.

United States is 410,000 sf. per libertarian (est.)


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