Dameon wrote:

> Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not*
> know that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who*
> would want to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe....

I don't know, Dameon, the Texans I've met have been a little bit
"different" for sure, but...

I've verified the anecdote about the world's population being able to 
fit in Texas, and still have 1500 square feet for each person to move 
around in. I admit it would not be sustainable, but picture the 
*entire* rest of the globe completely wild and unpeopled.

Gives a different perspective on the environmentalists who are
predicting such dire consequences from overpopulation, doesn't it?
Raises my skepticism a notch or two.

Yes, I know this is off topic. Sheesh! <grin>

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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