This sure seems logical, to me anyway.  I believe that higher voltage and/or
current would more violently separate the silver from the electrodes,
causing larger particles to break off.  Conversely, using a small current
(possibly regulated for consistent results) will draw off the smallest
particles from the electrodes....


Bruce K. Stenulson wrote:

> A post from Christian von Wechmar earlier this spring is worth noteing;
> he related making CS with a high voltage AC process, and with a ~27 VDC
> process, and having the particle size of each analized with an electron
> microscope at a university research facility. As I remember the results,
> the HVAC CS had noteably LARGER particle sizes than the low voltage DC
> generated CS in his study. Maybe Christian will summarize those findings
> before you follow this approach too far.
> Others have also commented on current limiting approaches possibly
> producing a better CS product; I'm inclined to believe there is merit to
> this thought. Higher voltage may achieve the opposite effect than what
> is desirable... We'll hopefully get some feedback from the darkfield
> analysis.

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