Request By Johnny Burton to post this to the lists

Subject:         The Real Cisco or " Fredrick Botten " of Guam
   Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1998 05:40:06 +0000
   From:         Johnny Burton <>
     To:         Rifers <>

The all concerned.
    The below is part of a letter sent to a friend a few weeks ago. It
concerns Rick
" Cisco " and his way of life. If you are so incline to donate anything
for any reason to him I suggest you think twice. I have talked with
Stanley Truman after his 2 week trip to Guam to visit Cisco. After the
phone call it was evident I am a
fool. The following is to let you know what has transpired in the last
few months between Cisco and I. There is only one reason I would
announce being so foolish to the world. This is keep it from happening
to anyone else.


   I will cut this very short for the whole story spans months.  About
first of this year was my second real contract with Rick. The first was
with his trying to get a sweep made for his Lodestar. This lasted only
only a
few weeks due to a communication problem. I couldn't figure out exactly
what he
was trying to do. Once I did figure it out he had solved the problem
himself, so he said. Anyway about the first of this year we merged
again. Some time around February he asked, or joking asked if I could
spare the money for his boat. I
declined. A few weeks later he asked again. By this time I thought he
was just a fellow that needed a break. I started to think of ways I
could help and not create a burden on me in case something went wrong in

the deal or my work. This was
done by refinancing my house which did indeed help if payments where
made as promised.
  The loan was made around the middle of April. The money was
transferred to his banking account by my bank. The Bank Papers are the
only proof of the loan. I made an agreement that I sent to him that more

or less stated in the event of my death the boat would belong to him
even it was not paid for. He argue that this would not work and sent me
a contract to read, sign, notarize and send back for him and he would do

the same on his end. I did just this. I have not yet seen its return,
nor a payment, nor have I heard hardly anything from him explaining why
except that it takes 8 weeks for any delivery.
     He was also was supposed to of sent a box containing pictures and
gifts for my wife and myself. This has not been seen. He told me he
mailed it off and it was returned back to him because of the wrong
address. I would have believe him except for two things. One, he asked
where to send it to and received a post with the address on it. Two, He
said he copied the address from a label on one of the boxes I had sent
him and I had spelled the my address wrong. He was doing good until he
said TN was spelled TENN. I have not used this in
years mainly because I am lazy.
    By this time I was getting quite aggravated but I had order some
Powder Copper for him to put on boats. I told him I would not send it
until a payment was made. He said a payment had been made. 3 trips to
the bank proved otherwise with his explanation being he forgot to sign
the draft. Of course this
didn't make the payment ether and about the same time his wife became
ill. Well, seeing as how I already had the copper order and had to buy
it then I went ahead and sent it. This is really the part that torque me

the most. It was bad enough I had sent him $27,000 and had no proof of
anything to do with
the boat I was now going to have to provide a means for him to pay it
back.  After I told him it was on its its way he was very excited. He
made the statement " he would not have to do any construction work for 2

months" I was also to receive $1500 in payments in a week or so. This
was over a 1 month ago
or should have arrived in June.
    He knows as well as I that I have very few options in this matter. I

have found the fellow he brought the boat from and talked with him. The
title was turned over to Rick and he didn't know how it was filled out.
Rick's original plan was
the boat would be in my name until it was paid for. This changed after
he received the money to it was in his name and I was the lean holder. I

feel this is not on the title ether. Rick also owes Moss McAfee ( the
original boat owner ) for a truck according to Moss.
    Rick broke off email shortly before the money was transferred. All
the statements he made are only what I remember ( FT ) so I have no
proof of any of them. I do, I feel, have enough to put him in a bind if
I wanted to spend a
lot of money to do so. This is not my way. I have proven to myself I am
a fool. While I am not in a financial bind because of it; my house note
will now be prolonged by 5 years to pay for this mistake and lesson.
There can be no doubt that letting your heart lead the way is very
costly not to mention
just plain stupid. The statement about not having to do any work for 2
months proves to me he is a loafer and if at anyway possible he will
live off of other people if given the chance. The name I have always
refereed to these people by is Parasite.

     The only recourse I "may" take now is to warn people of what I
think his intentions are in his request for donations. He has stated
these would pay for the boat " this is on file ".  At one time I would
have believe they would have gone to
better others in need. The truth, I fear, is that he will use this money

to live on so he will not have to work to support his ways.
   It would be very hard for me to forgive something that I have to be
reminded of every month. This is my nightmare for the next 5 to 10
years. The spare money I once used to give things to people will now be
greatly reduced to pay for Rick's
Boat. This still has not change my attitude towards helping those that
need it. I can not condemn the world for the things one person does or
my mistake. I have made many donations to him already with no payment
intended back. These total about $700 easy.  This was not the case with
the Boat and he even made up the contract. Oh this is good too. In it,
it states that if two payments are missed in
a row the boat will be sold to pay off the loan. Catchy hun!
   In closing I will say I have been blinded by words of someone I
thought to be in need. This appears to only be the case because he
doesn't work on regular bases, eat correctly as he states he does and
drinks beer as a main diet.
   If you chose not to believe any of this that is your choice. I do
have enough past email to prove most or all I have stated. Most of the
last correspondence was done on FreeTell so there is no records of the
last few months of
dialogue. I see no need to post anything else.  If you still wish to
donate  to him you are a bigger fool then I.
   His statement about Indonesia, work with Clayton, and anything else
is now very questionable. I can give no response to these because one I
don't know and two I no longer believe anything he has to say. Where the

lies stop and truth start is no longer known.

    Johnny Burton

Peace and Health to you  and may the White Light protect you

 Barbara and Brian in OZ


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