At 11:24 AM 6/21/98 -0500, Charles L. Church wrote: 

> Please allow me to make several observations on the Rosemary Jacobs case.
> [snip]
> Second, and along the same lines, if Mrs. Jacobs claim is true, WHERE are
> millions of blue people today who should be turning blue from the use of
> dangerous colloidal silver? Its use is exploding, yet where are all the blue
> people?


Excellent response Charles, you took the words out my mouth - with so many
using all manner of CS and copious quantities of CS where indeed are all the
blue people. Further it should also be noted that earlier use of  CS was under
medical supervision and protocols which I am sure where used very
conservatively. Its sad to see what length pharmaceuticals will go to protect
their monopolies!

Chris Gupta

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