FDA CAM Regulation Guidance
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Healthfreedom.net
To: Paula Perry
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: AAHF's Response to FDA CAM Regulation Guidance

American Association for Health Freedom and the Health Freedom Foundation
are very concerned with the FDA document 2006D-0480 - Draft Guidance for
Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their
Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration (read FDA Summary).  The full
text of the CAM Guidance can be read here. (Adobe Acrobat required).

A guidance like this is very confusing and there are legal issues that must
be carefully examined and responded to in writing.  Therefore, as a first
step, we have officially requested the FDA extend the deadline for comment
to July 31, 2007.  The time the FDA has provided for comment is simply too
short for something this complex and important.  We are working with
Congress to ask them to have FDA extend the comment period. Click here to
read our letter to the FDA requesting an extension.

We wanted to clarify that much of the regulation proposed in the document
has already been claimed by the FDA.  For example, making health claims as
it pertains to dietary supplements and foods is currently not permitted, and
people who do so are vigorously pursued by both the FDA and the Federal
Trade Commission.

While we have several concerns with the CAM Regulation Guidance, the two
biggest are broadening the definition of "health claim" and the desire to
pre-empt the states in the regulation of some health care issues.

Example:  The document attempts to define how vegetable juice might be
defined as a drug, "This means, for example, if a person decides to produce
and sell raw vegetable juice for use in juice therapy to promote optimal
health, that product is a food subject to the requirements for food in the
Act and FDA regulations...If the juice therapy is intended for use as part
of a disease treatment regimen instead of for the general wellness, the
vegetable juice would be subject to regulation as a drug under the Act."

The FDA defines a drug as "...(B) articles intended for the use in the
diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease in man or
other animals; and (C) articles (other than food) intended to affect the
structure or any function of the body of man or other animals.

What the FDA is stating is that they believe that any person (or product)
that states "drink some vegetable juice to prevent [insert disease]" is
actually making a drug claim; and if vegetable juice is not recognized by
the FDA as a legally available drug in the United States, the person (or
manufacturer) making the claim is now subject to prosecution if they are not
a medical professional licensed to practice medicine.

Who is going to fund a $50,000 investigational new drug application to get
carrot juice approved as a drug, or the follow-on millions in research
dollars to conduct a study on the toxicity ($200,000) and efficacy of carrot
juice ($3 million and up.)  Keep in mind this would have to be done
separately for any disease process carrot juice might have an impact on.

Why did the FDA create this document?  There are a couple of theories.  One
is that the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
(NCCAM) asked the FDA to "harmonize" with their way of thinking.  Another
idea is that importation of products (which is a major concern to the FDA)
will soon be a top issue.  Functional foods could also be a target (as
forewarned by the FDA December meeting on functional foods - read about our
response and presentation). Regardless of the why, we do know that the
health freedom community was not consulted in the preparation of the
document.  Furthermore, the clumping of food, products, medical devices, and
therapies makes for an awkward, confusing, and unconstitutional "way of
thinking" and does not represent what is best for the consumer.

The draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the agency's current
thinking on the regulation of complementary and alternative medicine
products by FDA. Though it does not change the law, it does represent a
potential major expansion on how foods, therapies, and products could be
regulated. Of further concern, is that this document could be used by health
freedom "opposition" and regulators to pressure Congress to change
legislation. The language in the document gives us great concern and we
cannot allow an agency such as the FDA to finalize the document in its
present form.

The comment period expires on April 30.  It has been our experience that
citizen letters to the FDA during the comment period rarely have an impact
on the FDA's decision-making process.  This is important to know, since the
appropriate response to this situation is not to just be busy (as in writing
letters to the FDA) but to be effective.  What the FDA has told us is that
they want to hear from practitioner groups and trade associations.
Remember, that the FDA officials are not elected and generally the wishes of
the public fall on deaf ears.

The two things that are most likely to influence the FDA's actions as it
pertains to the issues outlined in this document are:
Members of Congress who have a variety of mechanisms for shaping the
authority of the FDA.
State Attorneys General who can threaten legal action if the agency tries to
usurp the authority of the states in regulating health care activities
within their states.
In consideration of the above, we are taking these actions:
We are alerting our Congressional friends about this issue, and asking them
to take appropriate action.  We will notify you when it is time to write to
these elected officials and make your wishes known.
We have commissioned an extensive, legal response to the guidance that has
the kind of technical detail the FDA bureaucracy wants (or actually DOESN'T
want) to see as they strive to give this document the force of law.
We are planning to communicate with the proper officials in each state to
notify them of the potential for federal interference in state regulatory
If you do write the FDA, please send a copy of your concerns to your
representatives in Congress.  These elected officials DO care about your
opinion and your voice matters. CLICK HERE to contact Congress.
We believe the CAM Regulation Guidance would set the tone of the FDA in
regards to functional foods; alternative medicine therapy, devices, and
products; as well as dietary supplements and could help set the stage for
future legislation that would restrict access.  While public comments to the
FDA by individuals are a course of action, we want you to be aware that
fighting FDA's "way of thinking" will need a stronger course of action and
we are prepared to follow though.  We have fought the FDA before and have
been successful.

There are numerous issues facing the health freedom community that need
attention where your action can make a big different: a draft bill to
restrict access to individualized/compounding medicine, the right of the
practitioner to practice being threatened by individual states, and Rep.
Dingall wanting to "kill" dietary supplements because they are a "snake" to
be killed.

Please know that we are working diligently on the important issues facing
the health freedom community.  It takes both time and money and your
financial support is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to submit your written comments to the FDA, please use one
of the following methods

Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, Room 1061
Rockville, MD 20853

Click here or copy & paste this link:

NOTE: No matter which method, be sure to refer to Docket No. 2006D-0480

Brenna Hill
Executive Director
Health Freedom Foundation and American Association for Health Freedom
4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210
Arlington, VA 22207
Fax: 703.294.6380

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