So I'm asking, is there ANY acceptable rebounder around $100 U.S.?
Is there ANY beneficial lymph effect to be had from a Walmart rebounder? I had one of those many years ago, but could not use it due to knee pain. However, way back then, I was only trying to "run" on it for excercise, not for the lymph effects I'd like to try one for in the present. Because of my knee, hip, and back problems I am really unsure if I could even use one for gentle bouncing with the feet never leaving the surface, so I don't really want to spend money I can ill afford at this point for something I may well be unable to use at all. thanks for recommendations, opinions, comments,

One of the problems with the cheap ones is the material the mat is made from. It stretches, causing your feet/ankles/knees a lot of stress.

That stress would still be there to a degree, even if you were bouncing without your feet leaving the mat.

That said - maybe you could place a small flat board wrapped in a blanket on top of the mat (wrapped in a blanket to keep any sharp edges from tearing the mat), and stand on that while you bounced? This would only work if you were gently bouncing without your feet leaving tha mat.

This would definitely give your lymph a decent workout - heck, just alternating standing on tip toes will help move the lymph.

So, by all means, if you cannot afford one of the good ones, in my opinion this would still be of significant benefit for moving the lymph.


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