Thanks for this idea Tony, I'll check them out next week. Thanks to all the others who replied and for their suggestions. I've bought DE locally before but the supplier seems to have disappeared into the woodwork. All the local so called health suppliers I've contacted only have the heat treated variety - what the heck health suppliers are doing with this variety is beyond me but I guess they have their reasons. The stuff they sell is very white while the stuff I've been using is a very light beige in colour.

While we're on the subject of minerals from mother earth. Has anymore information come to light re the uses (or not) of Zeolite? Just wondering as we're sitting on tons of the stuff around here.

Cheers to all,  Roger

On 29 Apr, 2007, at 6:05 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hi roger,
Have a chat to your the brew master at your local brewery. Just don't breathe that stuf either.


On 28 Apr 2007 at 11:33, Roger Barker wrote about :
Subject : CS>Diatomaceous Earth

Hi all, I'm trying to source some food grade diatomaceous earth down
here in New Zealand and keep coming up with the pool filter heat
treated variety. Can anyone tell me if there is a visible difference
between the food grade and the heat treated variety as I'm sure there
must be some of the right kind available around here somewhere?

Cheers,  Roger B