Hi, Leslie, The surgeon I am working with says the same thing. He very much does not want to do the surgery except as a last resort . I am not sure I can convince him about using alternative things, though. When I mentioned Bentonite Clay, for instance, with regard to increasing fiber, ( withpsyllium), he said he didn't know anything about that.

Bentonite by itself is a very powerful cleanser, but in no way can it be considered 'fiber'.

I agree with Gail - be very careful with anything that increases bulk, which both fiber products and bentonite clay will do - although again, the clay is not fiber.

I hesitate about things like homozon,

I would very strongly urge you to reconsider with respect to the homozon - I really cannot imagine it causing you any distress at all, and I believe it would provide much relief.

I not only hae to deal with my colon, but also with this quite severe
burning upper center ribcage burning which is almost harder to put up
with than the bowel problem.

Would you describe this as 'heartburn', or 'indigestion'? If so, one very simple thing that will usually solve this kind of problem is, believe it or not, raw apple cider vinegar - say, a teaspoon or so in an 8 oz glass of water.

Most people don't know that heartburn is not a problem of too *much* acid, it is a problem of not *enough* - demonstrated by the fact that adding raw apple cider vinegar will cure the problem (it is good for many other things as well).

Just be sure it is raw and organic (I like Braggs)...

All my best to you...


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