Other fiber powders, including Metamucil, contain psyllium. Psyllium can ferment in your body to produce excess gas. The fiber in Citrucel, methylcellulose, can't ferment so it will not produce excess gas*.
What is methylcellulose?

This product is a synthetic chemical that loves water. It stays within the intestinal tract and is not absorbed. By attracting and holding water, it creates a softer stool. It is not a true harsh stimulant laxative which should be taken only occasionally. Methylcellulose can be taken long-term. Since it absorbs fluid, it may be helpful at times for diarrhea. It does not lower cholesterol..

How about side effects?

Adverse reactions can occur with any drug, even over-the-counter medications. Some of these are mild such as a stomach upset, which may be avoided by taking the medication with food. Minor reactions may go away on their own but if they persist, contact the physician. For major reactions, the patient should contact the physician immediately.

For methylcellulose, the following are the observed side effects:


   * bloating
   * diarrhea
   * rumbling sounds
   * nausea
   * mild abdominal cramps


   * severe abdominal pain
   * vomiting
   * difficulty swallowing

Clayton Family wrote:


is citrucel like metamucil? I thought that was the same as flax seeds ground up. They are pretty cheap, and can be ground in the kitchen blender using a jelly jar instead of the big blender pitcher. But if things burn going down, what does he say about that? Well, best wishes. -Kathryn

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