Evening Debbie,

>>At 08:05 PM 7/3/2007, you wrote:
it is okay for levels to be between 200 and 300.

  This is one alternative doctor's opinion.
( William Campbell Douglass, MD )

Cholesterol in the blood does not come from the food we eat is why low cholesterol diets don't work.

I think it is a symptom, not a cause. If cholesterol levels are way our of range, this indicates a number of other things are wrong.

Seems I remember when normal was considered to be 240.

The highest mine has ever been was 214. In later years it was 165 to 185 which I fear may be too low.

I also wonder about the LDL and HDL myth. Reason being, me and most of my healthy friends have about the same numbers, 39 to 43.

The sickest people I know in the world today have a HDL reading of in the 50's. One has cancer, one has bone disease, so bad he has a morphine pump installed in his body, and the third one has
Lou Gehrig's Disease.   Go Figure !

I had a long talk with a young cardiologist in a friends hospital room.
He was bragging about his cholesterol being 165 and the drug he used. I said, "Mine is 165 and I don't take any drugs".

I asked him about his homocysteine. He said, "If you are worried about that, you need to take this, this , and that". I replied, I am not worried about mine, I know what it is. I am surprised you do not know".

Not often do you find a doctor of any kind willing to engage in a
bull session.  It was fun to say the least.

Here is a great website run by a great guy. I have communicated with him in the past. ( Barry Groves )

He has many good articles, including one on "The Cholesterol Fraud".

Try it, you will find many great things.
