Thanks so much Wayne...are your homocysteine levels ever been checked? mine 
were pretty high for awhile...deb                       
CWFugitt <> wrote:  Evening Debbie,

>>At 08:05 PM 7/3/2007, you wrote:
  it is okay for levels to be between 200 and 300. 
  This is one alternative doctor's opinion. 
( William Campbell Douglass, MD )

Cholesterol in the blood does not come from the food we eat is why low 
cholesterol diets don't work.

I think it is a symptom, not a cause.  If cholesterol levels are way our of 
range, this indicates a number of other things are wrong.

Seems I remember when normal was considered to be 240.

The highest mine has ever been was 214.  In later years it was 165 to 185 which 
I fear may be too low.

I also wonder about the LDL and HDL myth.  Reason being, me and most of my 
healthy friends have about the same numbers, 39 to 43.

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