Hi again, Smitty and Wayne, Age must not be the cause in my case. Right now my toenails are just right . I will be 70 the day after tomorrow. As I said, their thickness has varied off and on through the years, I too, doubt if calcium magnesium balance is the whole story, maybe not even part of it. Or maybe calcium is the only factor and magnesium has nothing to do with it + heredity. I just know that the thickness of my toenails varies. I do not knowingly do anything to influence their thickness. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Smitty <papad...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>thick toenails ( Ca and Mg )
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 13:02:51 -1000

I'm 75 & suspect the nails are like our nose & ears;
they just *keep on growin'*


On 7/9/07, CWFugitt <c_wa...@earthlink.net> wrote:
Evening Smitty,

 >> At 05:36 PM 7/9/2007, you wrote:

>And how to thin the toenails ?

   Sometimes, yes, and sometimes no.

I grow new toenails.  They look great and are thin.  Then at a later time,
they will thicken.

Many seem to think this is fungus.

A friend used gallons of CS and covered  the toenails.
After a time, they were better.  Seems it was two or three months.

My thumbnails grow fast and are very strong.  I have never broken a bone
even from falling out of trees, automobile wrecks, motorcycle wrecks and
horses falling with me riding.

I think there his more to this problem than the Calcium / Magnesium problem
mentioned. It was suggested to cause the fungus.

In later years, the circulation in my legs is not as good as it was years
ago when I was running and jogging a lot.

Then, I supposedly have a heart valve problem from a strep infection.  The
reason I say supposedly, is my ejection fraction test indicated 60 %. Some
say 55 % if normal.

I think the thick toenails are a symptom of several things combined.

Would like to hear other ideas and experiences.

Then again, ........ I am sure age does not help it any.

Likely if we went barefooted, sun got to the feet, this would help some also.


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