Morning Fred,

>>At 10:39 AM 7/10/2007, you wrote:

The real question to me is this:

>> Are the particles smaller? Is more silver oxide generated using lower voltage.

You ask some good  questions.

Other list members can answer that much better than I can.
I am not highly advanced in the technical aspects of CS quality.

Higher voltage must be good and acceptable, else Terry Chamberlain would not use it.

All this has been covered in the past. If we had archives, you could find the answers.

I think the point that most of us miss ..........

If you are going to try to make the best CS in the world today, you best have some very expensive equipment, a laboratory with test equipment, and knowledge that far surpasses the knowledge that most of us have.

You could say,  there is lousy CS, average CS, Better and Best.
I can say, that from the first batch, my CS has accomplished everything one can expect.

I don't have 1 % of the technical knowledge about CS as many list members. Does it worry me ? Not in the least. Colloids is a science within itself. The only ones that can master it are the ones that have worked with it for years.

I see many beginners get carried away and worry themselves to death. Not necessary. If they want to devote 1000's of hours studying all this, fine. That is their choice.

Otherwise they should know their ability and limitations.
Be happy, make CS, use it, and be glad they can do it.

I am not saying this describes you. Someone will likely answer your questions to your satisfaction.



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