Does he use a Neti pot?  I clear my sinuses up with a CS/saline solution.
> From: Pat <>
> Date: 2007/07/09 Mon PM 06:39:36 EST
> To: silver list <>
> Subject: CS>CS....real benefits
> My son who has recurrent sinus infections and is on antibiotics repeatedly, 
> has been told he needs sinus surgery because the sinuses are blocked and full 
> of gunk.  Also he has a very deviated septum.  Is there any hope that CS 
> could cure infection in totally closed off sinuses?  Another problem....he is 
> convinced that the benefits of CS are due to placebo effect.  I've told him 
> of preventing or curing colds, but he said the mind could do that if you 
> believe.  He has used it before, guess no dramatic improvements, and his wife 
> still keeps a bottle in her desk at work and won't be without it.  How can I 
> convince him that CS really does kill germs, bacteria, and fungus?
>        Pat
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