What a trajedy!

I did work with a specialist in mild traumatic brain injury (for other reasons), and he advised me to eat a balance of omega 3 oils, like flax oil, because the myelin sheath needs omega 3's for healing. He works with people that can make it to his office, so it might go on a to do list. He helps people re-program the brain, using a kind of EEG, called QEEG, it is kind of like biofeedback. The local veterans hospital specialist calls him up on the hard cases he gets.

Perhaps with such a traumatic injury, using homeopathic remedies like rescue remedy (which can be sprayed on the skin), arnica, there are several that help the body get over accidents. The acupressure points sound like a reasonable idea, too. If you know a good Traditional Chinese Medicine dr, they can work wonders with acupuncture, and mine was willing to go to the hospital for us once.

Please accept my sincere condolences for the injury of your son- I know it could happpen to any of us. Best Wishes, Kathryn

On Jul 10, 2007, at 6:45 PM, joe bloggs wrote:

Does anyone here know of a treatment for brain injuries? My 21 year old son was involved in a terrible accident in the early hours of Saturday morning and has had two operations and is in a coma, on life support. I don't know whether to pray for his death or his life because I don't know the quality of life expected - nobody knows. If anyone has any information, please share it. Thank you.

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