Thank you for your answer since prions are something I had not thought of, but what about viruses, bacteriae and suggested use of EIS in order to sterilize surgical instruments?



From: <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Sterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 7:19:40 -0500

Don't forget prions which are not affected by CS( I think)
> From: "Carlos Pérez" <>
> Date: 2007/07/24 Tue PM 02:36:44 EST
> To:
> Subject: CS>Sterilizing surgical instruments with EIS?
> Hello, fellow members,
> A traumatologist and very good friend of mine has been utilizing EIS I
> produce, for himself and patients, orally, externally and in many ways with
> excellent results, even in open bone surgeries, including a hip with
> infected bone. In these surgeries he has only used EIS, NO ANTIBIOTICS.
> For some types of surgery he wants to sterilize surgical instruments by just
> immersing them in EIS during an adequate ammount of time.
> He wants to know if the sterilization that would take place in that case
> would take care of bateriae and also viruses that may be contaminants coming
> from a previous patient, like for example hepatitis viruses and others
> (HIV-Aids, Ebola?).
> In case it can be done, how long would it take to make sure sterilization > has been fully done even in the cases of the most resistant organisms of the
> type?
> Any comments and/or suggestions are very welcome.
> Regards,
> Carlos
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