The Respected Doctor is absolutely RIGHT!
Finally one who is honest, and faithful to his profession!
The motto is: Want treatment (for chronic fatigue, for allergies and for more disbalances) -- Do you want treatment?
First cleanse the colon
then look at your eating habits
and: drink enough PURE water.

+25 !!

Best general health advice ever...

Too bad the devil is in the details, ie:

1. How *best* to cleanse the colon?

3 best products/methods:

a) homozon (best source: Donna @

b) Dr Schulze (www.800herbdoc)

c) Arise and Shine (chomper, herbal nutrition -


2. Best diet?

Learn everything you can about 'Metabolic Typing', determine your metabolic type, and eat accordingly.


3. Enough pure water?

Lots of room for argument here. Best I've learned so far is, drink a large (12-16 ounces) glass of pure water immediately upon arising, then do the same 15-30 minutes prior to each meal. The rest should come from the fruits/veggies/soups you are eating.

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