At 07:08 AM 9/3/2007, you wrote:

I copied this out of Widepedia Wayne.  Dee
   Some is a half lie, some is a half truth.

  Notice it is talking about  MIS USE !

<<The problem of over-fertilization is primarily associated with the use of artificial fertilizers,

Artificial Fertilize ? Who can fool a plant ? I guess they coined that fraudulent phrase.

This one thing makes me put this source to the bottom of the list.

 because of the massive quantities applied and the
destructive nature of chemical fertilizers on soil nutrient holding
structures. The high solubilities of chemical fertilizers also exacerbate their tendency to degrade ecosystems.
     Sounds like a religious statement, rather than a scientific one.

Storage and application of some nitrogen fertilizers in some weather or soil conditions can cause emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Ammonia gas (NH3) may be emitted following application of inorganic fertilizers, or manure or slurry.

  If anyone ever smelled Manure, it is as high in Ammonia Gas as anything.

  Again the term above, "Inorganic Fertilize" is a fraud.
What mineral is organic ? All came from the earth. They never even mentioned the term, chelation. Even good old Einstein said....... matter cannot be created or destroyed. So based on his proof, who can make a mineral.
No one, no plant, no method, no organic means. ....... period.

   Please notice the complete statement above is a
"Conditional Statement" .........  Like ....... If this, maybe that.

 Besides supplying nitrogen, ammonia can
also increase soil acidity (lower pH, or "souring"). Excessive nitrogen
fertilizer applications can also lead to pest problems by increasing the birth rate, longevity and overall fitness of certain pests

Again, they are talking of Misuse. Sounds like political statement or they may be of "Organic Religion". Little scientific evidence in the whole statement.

The concentration of up to 100 mg/kg of Cadmium in phosphate minerals (for example, minerals from Nauru[19] and the Christmas islands[20]) increases the contamination of soil with Cadmium, for example in New Zealand.[21] Uranium is another example of a contaminant often found in phosphate fertilizers.

   Interesting and likely true.  They are talking about Man Screw ups.
Abuse, and manmade disasters.

Chemicals, Bad Fertilize, overuse, and errors on the part of man kind is a disaster, anyway you cut it.

I agree that many farmers over use and abuse. Many, if not most, know absolute Zero about plants, nutrients, and the best way to grow things. Some have never been to school, and the ones that have did not learn much.

Example......... one blueberry grower had 3 college degrees.
Everybody, including the people from the Blueberry Research center admitted I beat the socks off him growing blueberries. They even said, Nowhere, under any conditions, had they seen any blue berry plants grow like mine.

They tell you not to fertilize them the first year. I ignored their unscientific statements and mixed my own nutrients, weighed them on a grain scale and made several small applications the first year.
I harvested 2000 pints after one years growth on 400 plants.

If I had never pruned them, they would be 50 feet tall by now.

The head man from the state college was in my field munching blue berries. I told him, ....... I sent you one sample and it said this soil would not grow blueberries.

Since then, I have not wanted to confuse the FACTS with your Theories, so I have send no more soil sample.

The moral is, some people are growers, and others think they are.

To give you one more real world example, I can grow 150 to 200 bell peppers on a plant. I had one limb break off a plant that had 35 peppers on it. And I used some chemicals by the definitions of others. In my opinion, I used nutrients. Usually I remove about 75 % of the peppers, and eat them whole, right off the plant. Never any thing sprayed on the plants to keep me from doing this.
Sometimes I get busy is why that one limb had 35 peppers on it.

Be experimenting with minor minerals, I learned things that few people know.

Full size tomatoes will grow full clusters 1 inch apart on the main plant. And for that batch, I have a computer print out of every batch of nutrients I mixed for the whole year.

Guess if you wish, ........ but I don't. I data log EC, PH and can measure the nutrient absorption based on the brightest sunlight during the day.

Fortunately, my friends, many with doctors degree in horticulture taught me a lot. I taught myself a lot. And guess what taught me the rest of the story ?

The Plants themselves did.  I can spot one wilted leaf near 100 yards away.

I wonder about that Winnipeg crowd. I doubt that they can grow green grass on the lawn. <grin>

Any good questions, I might be able to answer them.

We should be on the OFF TOPIC list, however most things about plant nutrients apply to humans also.

Little was said about chelation, cation exchange, enzymes, and other aspects. Lots of complex things happen in growing media.

Think about how nutrients and minerals get to the top of the tallest RED WOOD trees. That is a near miracle within itself but it happens in all plants, short or tall. A step at a time.

I rest my case on this issue.


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