Yes, and I wouldn't think *anyone* fertilizes Redwoods, they do it all ontheir own!

   That has nothing to do with the point I made about redwoods.
You missed that point also. It puzzled people for years how the water and nutrients got to the top.

231 feet high = 100 psi. Each foot = .43 psi. Calcualate the pressure required to get any liquid to the top.

 Surely the only reason to fertilize plants is to make them yield more?

  Funny !   Your logic is flawed.

  The only reason to fertilize humans is to make them yield more !

   You have to keep them alive first.  Bloom, Set fruit, ......
that is all a bit complicated for a NON GROWER.

 This being the case, it isn't necessarily *better* for them to yield
more just more profitable for man. I would have thought it far better to let plants do their own thing with just water, to be ecologically friendly that is, and I still think it has to be better to go natural as far as is possible with all things. I too, rest my case. Dee

  You want all mankind to starve it appears.

  You don't need to REST yours. It is barely started.

  I guess you can make wine from Water also.

   Most of this whole discussion is downright funny and absurd
as I hate to say it,....... most of you people know nothing and should not be even talking about it. ( Sorry if that upsets anyone, but that is the way I see it ) Note I did not say ALL, I said Most.
you are only included if you include yourself.

So, if you are insulted you did it, no me !


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