Well done.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carol Ann 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:35 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Vitamin C Plus Fat Might Spur Cancer

  John Plumridge <bollyb...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
    --On 9 September 2007 13:44:25 +0000 mborg...@att.net wrote:

    >Excellent. And if another cancer patient craves carrots then eat carrots.

    >I accept you wanted oranges with a thirst, and so needed them, but >then 
so do people without cancer.
    >SOme people got better without taking vitamin C, How do you account >for 

    I don't.  And I refrain from accounting for anything or anyone but myself.  
And to restate the obvious for your benefit regarding the rest of your (and my) 
 post, I stated previously that it is not only I who believe that illness is 
multi-faceted.  Within this forum alone there are many people with a variety of 
problems.   Whilst one remedy works for one, it may not work as efficiently, 
perhaps not at all,  for someone else.  I do not ask why or challenge results.  
There are often personal, extenuating circumstances which we are not privy too. 

    Ya know, if you need  a challenge so be it, hopefully you will from this 
point forward engage someone who feels the expenditure of energy is worthy of 
the time.

    In no way did I mean to imply or presume to give credit to my continued 
wellness or recovery to oranges or their juice. Vitamin C is my prerogative and 
for me I feel it to be extremely beneficial. 

    My point was to illustrate how incredibly deficient  my body was of Vitamin 
C.  Yes, plenty of people thirst for oranges or their  juice.   It is and had 
always been, up until that point in my life,  an occasional drink of choice for 
me.  HOWEVER, it is not normal for someone such as myself who didn't drink 
orange juice on any regular basis to suddenly begin craving it by the 
gallons.........to coincidently discover cancer 2 weeks later. 

    FWIW, when you speak of people feeding on over processed, synthesized food 
on this Forum you are in all probability preaching to the choir.  I take it you 
are speaking generally about the general public?.  I seriously doubt that 
anyone actively participating in this forum for any length of time  feasts with 
any regularity at establishments like Micky Ds. 

    >>Because all fresh and natural food contains such properties, 
    >>and many potently so.

    Really. Prove it.  Food assays from different parts of the country, the 
world perhaps?

    >If we advocate Vitamin C based on one persons' account, without >looking 
into the background , then we are irresponsible.

    Show me your Nobel. Until that time, I'll go with Pauling, Cameron, et al. 

    >We may then have stories like : 'I got better in spite of Vitamin C 

    Yes, it would be wonderful to hear such stories.  It would make my day if 
someone said they got better from eating or ingesting a piece of bread and 


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  Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
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