--On 11 September 2007 07:46:50 -0400 Simon Jester <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

The fact is, sometimes extreme measures are necessary to help the body
back to a place where it is capable of maintaining that balance by itself
- and usually the problem lies with the above mentioned organs.

I do agree. I think far less often than is realised or practiced. Example: Fresh cool air comes first, before all medicines. And, after in recovery. Or it should. But look at the state of air in hospitals. A bad example set because they are frightened people will jump out or older people need more heat, and we like to walk around in t-shirts in the winter. I'm saying I observe time and again the people nowadays turn to medicine before they would open a window. Given a good (not poisonous) and adequate diet , though our bodies heal and regulate themselves, air is needed too. The organs are part of that regulation and have powers of regeneration. Organ failure is extreme. Until that point, they can recover. Of course, I'm stating the obvious, nothing more. Doctors used to proscribe fresh air.


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