On 11 Sep 2007 at 11:29, M. G. Devour wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>[List Owner] More guidance..

So its Tel and me vs the rest. !!! Thats ok by me. Not that I like it but its 
not the first time I've 
been out of step. 

Thing is that I am on dialup modem which is slow and which costs per minute. It 
is not a lot 
per minute but it does add up to a significant amount of my budget each month. 
And yes,  I 
live on a mountain, not near any city. And on the other side of the world from 
most of you. 

I really am only here to find stuff to put in my operations manual which is 
sent out with my CS 
generators. I'm still looking for precautions or practical tips to pass on. I 
haven't seen 
anything new or noteworthy here for a long time. I made my first CS gen in 
early 1996 
following a Mark Metcalf reprint from a Nexus magazine. I think I joined this 
forum in about 
1998 or 99

To scathing Faith. What is an 8 ball?? Quite frankly I am offended by your 
sharpness, rudeness and attempts at sarcasm. Actually I don't feel any better, 
just feel sick 
that knowing that what was a wonderfully helpful, practical and knowledgeable, 
nurturing and 
specific forum has turned into something for me to complain about or unsub 
from. It seems 
to be a no holds barred, limitless melee of people all saying something, 
anything, just for the 
sake of it. 

and to doubting Wayne.  I'm not sure whether you are calling me a liar or just 
can't find the 
words to say what you want to say? I kept 10 messages and deleted 193 which is 
enough 5 % of the one days messages. Those kept were important enough for me to 
want to 
save for some reason. CS pertinent messages were only a part of that lot. Today 
I counted 
92 in the bin and about 30 kept so the percentage is much better but a lot of 
those pertain to 
this message.  OK, I hope that satisfies your doubts.    
        What do you mean "Ask a question" ? ...  Like? Like, "Tell me what I 
don't know, 
Please?" In fact I did ask you some questions about three or four years ago and 
you never 
gave any sensible answers, just went on about bigger and better fuses, 
batteries, telephones, 
circuitbreakers, circuitboards, rifles and carrots; when I'd asked you about 
current control. I 
figured you didn't know anything about it so left you to it. 
        I was on about having to go through 50 to 200 messages twice a day now 
skimming each one to see if there is anything worthwhile or if not then 
pressing the delete 
button. Its the reading time that is the real time waster. Spending an hour or 
more doing 
something as futile as deleting gratuitous ego stuff is ... umm .. irritating. 
It would not be good 
to ban it. Carol Ann's vitC/ cancer story is a keeper, thanks that is very dear 
to my heart. 
Odes 'poetry' is delightful, Jack Kerouac almost. John goes on but I trust 
where he is coming 
         -- Using Pegasus email program Deleteing emails is virtually 

I do already filter all downloaded messages with CS> in the Subject to a CS 
folder. I usually 
sort this by date in reverse order and then by thread. I could also filter and 
delete at the 
server before downloading; any email with CS> in the Subject but with no 
mention of silver or 
CS in the body; but that would defeat the purpose of Mikes CS list which, I 
think, is to talk 
about CS mainly and other health products and problems incidentally. 

I unsubbed from the CS OT list about 4 or 5 years ago because it was then 
mainly american 
political discussion which does not interest me in any way. And quite a lot of 

I FEEL GOOD. now that i have that off my chest.

Tony Moody 

A closed mouth gathers no foot.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
        That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have 
their shoes.