
Did you use the cs with 10% DMSO as I read mentioned in another post?  
How much l-lysine did you take?  The reason I am asking is this might work
for my husband and we are new to all of this.  Our cs generator should be 
here this week.  We use DMSO on the horses all the time.  Does the DMSO
have to be a certain quality because what we use topically is not the same
purity as the vets have used IV?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dee <>
  Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 4:26 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine)

  Hi Pat, yes I am and I'm still not sure why!  Re the herpes; this is how
  people get shingles because the herpes virus somehow lies dormant in the
  nerves somewhere, after having had chicken pox, so it could be that which is
  causing the sciatica.  I only know that while I was treating the shingles
  with the CS /DMSO /l-lysine protocol, the sciatica went as well.  I had had
  it for two years as I said, and it caused my hips to be so sore, and all
  down my legs, my shin as well.  Everything was difficult to do; things like
  weeding the garden I could only do for a few minutes etc., I had been for ex
  rays because I thought my hips and lower spine must be ground away because
  of the pain, and guess what?  I had *no* wear and tear on my hips *or* spine
  at all!  I was amazed.  They then concluded it was 'just' sciatica, and I
  would have to put up with it.  They gave me physio (which did nothing) and
  just painkillers, which I had to take twice a day.  It was only when I
  treated the shingles with this regimen that it miraculously went.  Another
  thing I am taking besides the CS is alpha lipoic acid and l-carnetine, but
  this is fairly recently, so I don't think this would have influenced it. 
  The DMSO I used to get the silver into my skin and this I rubbed all over
  the lumbar region.  I also use the same mix on so called arthritic thumb and
  forefinger, and this too, has gone.  Hope this helps and is not too rambling
  for the rest of the list members.  Dee 

  -------Original Message------- 


  From: Pat 

  Date: 11/09/2007 21:14:13 


  Subject: Re: CS>PS (phosphatidylserine) 


  Dee, you're so lucky that the sciatica went away. I've never had any kind of
  herpes outbreak except chicken pox as a child. I've been thinking about
  using DMSO and colloidal silver over the area. I asked the chiropractor I've
  gone to four times in the last two weeks and he said it might help but that
  he thought the exercises he's given me will probably help more than anything
   The orthopaedic surgeon said the MRI shows I have narrowing in the bony
  passage where the nerves go through on both sides. His only recommendation
  was an epidural injection of steroid or saline (which I refused). I'm only
  having trouble on one side, so the problem could be muscular. I used CMO
  about two years ago (used it several weeks) and it did absolutely nothing
  for arthritis or anything. The chiropractor warned me about DMSO carrying
  anything into the skin with it......He said a swimmer rubbed it into a sore
  shoulder, then went into the water. He died from absorbing 

  Chlorine. I told him I always clean the area and spray it with colloidal
  silver before rubbing any on. 


















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