Better than any others on the market ?   Possibly,   but nothing is better than 
what you make yourself at home with herbs you have either grown  or wild 
harvested yourself.    It is not at all difficult to make quality tinctures at 
home.  I will pit mine against  any of the others including Dr. Schulzes( and 
Im in no way putting the good doc down here )


>> If anyone wants the formula to make your own Eyebright tincture I 
>> have it. The only change I made was to use the base of CS instead 
>> of distilled water. Ive been using this for some time and can 
>> tell you it works almost miracles. Glaucoma is a thing of the past,  
>> so are floaters  and cataracts.

> For anyone who decides to make their own, just remember...

> The biggest mistake people make is using low quality herbs. Herbs need
> to be fresh, organically grown and/or wildcrafted, *and* even more 
> importantly, harevsted properly (at their peak of potency).

> Dr Schulzes herbs are, bar none, the best, most potent, and his 
> tinctures are *Far* stronger than *any* others you'll buy on the market.

> It would be very difficult for you to make tinctures of the same quality
> at home.

> --
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