Yes, I am actually growing "true" hydroponics.  Just water and mineral tablets 
(or whatever those pills are).  So far they are all sprouting and doing well 
but I'm going to experiment with my bean sprouts and mung beans because you 
have to rinse them every day.  Will see what happens there.  I already put an 
ounce of CS in the water and guess i won't add any more.  Just spring water.  
I'll take your advice and only experiment with my sprouts.  Thanks for the info 
all and esp. Wayne.
PS:  I wonder what would happen if I just added Concentrace to the water?  

From: CWFugitt <>

Evening Cinder Ella,

>> At 05:13 PM 9/27/2007, you wrote:
   You may get a number of answers.  My reply is mostly warnings and cautions.

>Has anyone had experience with hydroponics and CS?

   No, not really.  My growing is not true Hydroponics.
True Hydroponics means the roots reside in liquid, no other media.
Likely you knew that.

>  I am growing an herb garden with the AeroGarden and they have all kinds 
> of safeguards so the water doesn't grow algae.

    If you are using approved methods, you best continue to do that.

>  I called them up and asked them why I have to keep the paper over the 
> plants base and they said if the water gets too much light it grows algae.

    Yes, it will, even inside a plastic barrel.  And it gets out of control 
fast, and will clog up pumps, smaller passage ways, and be a disaster.

>kind of effect that would have on the plants.
    She was concerned about the wrong thing.  The problem is with the 
water, not the plants.  Plants are very intelligent in their feeding.
Often I think more so than humans.

I can pass nutrients over the roots all day, and they take what they need 
and let the rest go by.  Often taking up zero nutrients, and using only 
water.  That is amazing.  That has been proven, not guess work.

One of my friends has been head of a research center, head of Horticulture 
at a college, traveled the world teaching people to grow, and here is what 
he calls TRUE Hydroponics.

           "The Sudden Death Method".

Guess what ?  If one plant becomes diseased, they all become 
diseased.  This year, in the soil, I had one tomato plant show sighs of 
disease.  I immediately removed it.  No more became diseased.

There is little forgiveness in Hydroponics.

Yes, there are good bacteria in water.  Some think the good control the 
bad, much like in the human body,

There may be others but this is three,
  bacillus, mycorrhizae and trichoderma.   These are good ones and used to 
control fungi, and other diseases.  Kill them with CS or anything else, and 
you are in  a world of trouble,
You may in fact need to add them.  Since many growers do that, you must be 
able to buy them someplace.

If you want to experiment, use one plant in a container, one with distilled 
water, one with healthy water, and one with CS water.
But.......... do not experiment with your total plot.
>If you can use CS, how much is ok? before it messes with the minerals in 
>the water and isn't good for the plants anymore?

     Not exactly a valid question....... use ZERO.
Likely you could use a small amount, but if you kill the good stuff, the 
bad may take over.

I think that if it was going to "mess with the minerals", it would be in a 
very short time.

You could remove a small amount of your water to a container and add some 
CS to observe the effect on the algae.

Do not shortcut any proven methods to reduce algae.

Actually, if you are not an experience grower, I think hydro is a bad way 
to start, unless you want a challenge instead of food to eat.

My method is simpler, but complex enough, and proven by thousands of 
commercial growers and colleges.

How do you think I learned how to do it ?  <grin>


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