Right on Simon! If they are going to kill me why wait? The needle will be slow 
and painful, the bullet is usually much quicker. 
  The reason there is no fedaral law for the vaccine is that way you have no 
recourse. So when some quack doctor sticks a needle in your kids ass and the 
kid dies, they can say "well you didn't have to vaccinate" 

Simon Jester <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
  > There seems to be some debate between a national referendum and an 
> executive order....

There is no constitutional authority for the federal government to 
mandate forced vaccinations for any American citizen - with the 
exception of those *employed* by the federal government. Federal 
employment being a 'privileged' occupation, they can require whatever 
they want for those parasites - er - people.

And I guarantee there is an exception to this law for members of 
Congress - they always exempt themselves from things like this.

> the executive order seems to be dominate.

Presidential Executive Orders have no constitutional application against 
private American citizens - only those working in the Executive branch 
of the federal government.

> The anthrax vaccine is now required for all military personnel and
> their families, as well as government employees. After this effort,
> the vaccination effort will turn to the public.

People get whatever tyranny they allow. When the traitor Roosevelt 
declared the bank holiday during the depression and allowed the 
banksters to steal all of the gold belonging to private citizens, that 
'law' did NOT APPLY to the average American - but the people at the time 
allowed them to get away with it.

If they force vaccinations on American citizens, it will not be under 
any constituionaly authority, it will be at the tyrannical point of a 
gun - and I will see to it that they will indeed have to kill me to 
vaccinate me.

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