the ones I saw that did say EXACTLY that, were not lying. They just believed the load of hogwash they were being fed. Some of it prepetrated by the ones that *are* evil, and behind the supression of the free practice of medicine ( and I do not mean money). Other parts of it are rooted in psychology ideas of somatic illness that are fast becoming out of date (see the research in the last 20 years of physical brain injury treatment), but are not recognised by many.

Really, Kurt, you just undermine your whole position when you beat this dead horse, painting everyone with the same brush. I wish you would re-read what Mike said at the bottom of the page....



On Oct 16, 2007, at 4:42 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've been around for a while they know.

Ode Coyote <> wrote:
It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore
more...but deviate just a little .....

>On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:
>>Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
>>a statement about "doctors." It doesn't take many words -- "most,"
>>"nearly all" -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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