I was reading an article just this morning posted on Rense about drugs. Some of 
the drugs they were talking about in the article actually caused a drug indused 
Parkinson's Disease and other diseases. I will post the article if you want to 
read it. You did say that you used a lot of md doctoring.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:46 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

  Hey Carol,

  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these "wonderful" people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.

  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these "caring" professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.

  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 


  Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
    Kurt ~
    Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

    Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

     The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 
3 years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.....absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go......I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

     Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

    My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as 
she fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
    When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. 
    The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

    When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

    Kurt Milkowski <kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
      When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is 
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with 
them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I 
know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if 
they've been around for a while they know. 


      Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net> wrote:
        It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
        If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
        more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
        flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the "victim" 
        getting a third share.

    Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

    Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us.