An old Roman dude summed all this up.
"Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur."
Titus Petronius Arbiter (d. 66).
The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived!

Best Regards,
Arnold Beland
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@alltel.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: CS>finger pointers

  Black and white, it just isn't.
You can use all the herbs you want...even "weed", even though it's illegal.
The Mob was a result of demand and laws against supplying it.
The "people" created the mob AND the laws with that demand and what satisfying that desire does. I've watched loved ones kill themselves slow with booze and suck 100s of thousands out of the public till in the process, but that's not black and white either.

FDA approved drugs have killed more Americans than the Vietnam war?
What bullshit.Compare that number to those who wouldn't be alive without them. Go ahead, dig it up and look.
Think it through.
You might as well say that Hospitals kill 90% of all people who die, never mind that only those about to die go there and 10% just don't live long enough to arrive. Otherwise, hospitals would kill 100% of all the dead people, eventually.

Sure the system has problems, sure "business" wants to maximize profits..not just the "Pharma" but every Tom, Dick and Harry that will sell you anything you'll buy for as much as you'll pay. Put THOSE guys in charge of honesty and accurate info! That'll work? ..and TV preachers actually give all that money to God.

The internet is the free market for information and 80% is total BS and Hype.

"Without" the FDA and FTC what would it ALL be like?
No food labeling at all, not just limited and warped, but total lies if anything at all.... anyone can promote anything as a cure and scare the heck out of you with chemtrails so you'll flock to their stores as you refuse to learn anything about clouds, water, weather and combustion principles. Just look around at all the complete HOOEY there **IS**, vacuuming pocket lint out of the the anti-faithful fools and then take stock about "control". ["They" are LOSING it, big time...buried in an AVALANCHE of marketing bullshit with only the ability to focus on the *most* potentially harmful. ]

Total control "my eye". You can see liars selling everything imaginable from Q Ray bracelets to detoxing foot pads that do nothing but make your feet clean, to all sorts of weight loss products and diet pills with "people" over-amping on "natural" Ephedra, to 26 cent magnets selling for $60 to clip to your ear to quit smoking and perky pecker products galore...all manner of gas saving devises that just don't function, you name it.
"Buy this, because THEY are evil"

  We're buried in it!

NO ONE has the mis and dis-information market cornered.

I have no love for the authorities, but given the condition of mankind, I can sure see the need for them if a goodly portion is to survive. If they are a bit corrupt? It's because "they" are the same people that we are, only "they" have TOUGHER rules to *get around* and only have the manpower to control the biggest offenders.

People who seek alternatives are those who are trying to take
responsibility for their own health.

Why YES!  And GO FOR IT!!!  [That's what I've been saying all along ]
If that does the job better, it will win its share. You don't buy things you don't believe you need and those which you do are available, legal or not. Demand creates supply and supply just can't be stopped. The complete failure of the war on drugs is the proof. No one CAN make you buy something you don't believe you need...and no one "MAKES" you believe anything at all, no matter who you blame for your own thoughts.

I say, let's just let stupid be stupid and see how many live through it if they have to take the full consequences of their own activities. The "reality" is, that's how it is, DESPITE efforts to legislate and enforce laws against stupidity and ignorance.

But that said, the state of the *onion* has become so complex that NO one can comprehend everything. Bio-chemistry AND the herbal arts are a "study in progress" ...with... all the quirks and dangers.
No two people are the same, so OF COURSE, there will be problems.

I tell ya bud, if you can't see past simplistic black vs white, you don't have a prayer with multi layered real world onions.
Good luck. [I mean that..you'll need lots of it ]

There is no barrier that determined quiet people can't undermine.
That takes "digging"
Just ask a Mexican... "fence"? Just something to walk around to take that job that no one else wants because it's hard and you don't get to go home every night. I ran nomadic tree planting crews in the 80s for what amounts to $200-300 tax free dollars a day, now....and couldn't find enough people.
 Now, it's all Mexicans doing it for a lot less.

 ANYTHING that the dollar spent, demands "shalt be" sold..
Legality is only a hindrance.

 Want raw milk?  Get a goat!
Town won't let you have one??  MOVE.
Or feed it in your spare bedroom and don't tell anyone.
If you don't wash those teets or your hands and get sick...your problem.
Make your neighbor sick? You'll wish for pasteurization when he sues your buttocks off. Needed or not, bad or not, it's about self defense wherever my choices gone bad can be seen as your fault.

It's all to easy to BECOME a "them" under attack by those who chose something and made a mistake.

 You can do ANYTHING you want to, so long as it's just you.
Laws don't apply to those who don't get caught.
 Noisiest gets caught first.
If you DO get caught, it wasn't ....just you.

PS They serve real butter in prison. Rancid, but real. [ Says so, right on the label! ]

Maybe one day, those who take offense will just have sit and be off-ended and the rest of us can say what we want to without fear of being misunderstood in ways we can't control.
You there! Push my *I'll slap your face* button ...that I dangled off your finger.


At 09:31 PM 2/11/2008 +0000, you wrote:

Ode said:

>It was the peoples gulibility that "made" the FDA so many years ago....
>and FDA rules, in turn, organized the Pharm into an entity that can
>accomplish the advances in medicine and chemistry that has become too
>complicated for even the FDA to comprehend.
That's like saying the bar-owners 'made' the mafia and the protection racket.
Now THAT'S a cop-out Ode.

FDA approved drugs have killed more Americans than the Vietnam war. You keep talking about Big Pharma and 'Natural' herbs as though they were equally powerful, equally culpable. You seem to fail to understand the fundamental difference between the two. The difference, as I see it, is that Big Pharma takes TOTAL
control.  People who seek alternatives are those who are trying to take
responsibility for their own health. Big Pharma doesn't like that and makes sure that government rulings stop it, or hinder it, or make it impossible for us to get the benefits of nature. A good example would be the pasturisation of milk.

We have all learned of the huge benefits of the natural enzymes in raw milk. But when the government outlaws raw milk and makes it a criminal offence to sell it, then this is wrong - no two ways about it Ode. It is wrong to take that choice away from us. But that is what's happening. Our choices are being limited to what the FDA and the Big Pharma want us to be able to choose from and they will go to any lengths to make sure that we go down the route that they have decreed.

And you can't see anything wrong in that?  Wonder why.


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