i use a colloid master with an added magnetic stir plate and must clean the
silver between batches.
sometimes i clean the mid-batch, but usually don't bother.

the stronger the batch the more the black builds.
the mag stir plate delays/lessens the black and also accelerates the
  -----Original Message-----
  From: les...@aol.com [mailto:les...@aol.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 11:01 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CS>Generators


  Thanks for your replys to my last question.  I recently asked about a
generator sold to me by Mike Metcalf.   I don't know how good this one is
because I get black residue (flakes) from the silver wires if I use it for
more than one batch, then I have to clean them.   Does anyone know if this
happens because I have the unit on between batches?  I have been looking at
the SiverGen and the Colloid Master Universal.  The colloid model is at
www.wishgranted.com.  The Colloid Master has a kit which comes with a
distiller.  Both of these seem like much better units, please give me any of
your opinions.   I don't get on line all everyday but it is good to talk to
others who feel similar to myself with regard to the silver usage.  I do
appreciate the information I have gotten from this site, thank you, Lynn.