I read somewhere else that drinking too much water can be bad for you.  I
think that again, it should be all done in moderation and according to the
circumstances at the time, i.e. Heat etc.,  just another two penneth, as
they say.  I agree that the sites are great. Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Faith Gagne
Date: 05/07/08 19:46:23
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Pacemaker - Salts good and bad
Rowena, these sites are terrific and I have bookmarked them for further
reading.  I do drink a lot of water.  My primary care doctor always asks me
if i am drinking enough water.  I dirnk a couple of quarts a day but maybe I
need to drink more.  Thanks again.  Faith G.