You go girl!! Well said Sasha-Lasha. 

---- S-Max <> wrote: 
> Hi MA, 
> We have spoken before. You joined Lymestrategies from Kurt's and my
> suggestion. Go there now and ask the same question. 
> Two weeks of abx won't help you at all. If it were me, I would continue to
> take the abx for a minimum of four to six weeks. Two weeks is not going to
> do anything except leave you with chronic Lyme Disease. If your doctor
> prescribed doxy for only two weeks, my suggestion would be to run for your
> life in the other direction. They are incompetent to treat Lyme Disease and
> your window of opportunity is dwindling! They are following the allopathic
> regulations in fear of losing their license. If it were me, I would,
> absolutely, continue to treat with abx and CS and educate myself on all
> aspect of this disease. I would, immediately, seek a Lyme Literate Medical
> Doctor (LLMD) who is the best, who is qualified, who is competent, who the
> Lyme community approves of to help. If you do have Lyme and co-infection you
> are in for the fight of your life now. Get serious! Take right action now
> before it is too late! 
> It is very difficult to educate newbies to the history, politics, and
> treatment for lyme. By the time you understand and have waited it is too
> late. Lyme Disease has already established itself in your body and you will
> then be treating for the rest of your life for untold suffering. Sometimes
> the symptoms don't appear for years later. It depends upon how healthy your
> immune system is. There is no cure after six weeks, there is only treatment
> to be free of symptoms. You have a lot to learn, and the political aspects
> of this disease are the most hideous and most criminal aspect of it. The
> political and allopathic medical community including the insurance company
> elements regarding this disease is nothing less than a killing field, it is
> nothing less than insane, and these regulations are killing us; they are not
> saving, preventing, or helping us. Most people are unconscious of the
> governmental, political, and insurance company criminal activity until they
> themselves are fighting for their lives, have lost their homes, their
> friends, their families, and their fortunes, and any kind of normal
> functionality. I kid you not!!!!! 
> If you have any doubt about what I am saying, do yourself a favor and click
> on the following links or go to youtube and search for Lyme Disease. There
> are over 30 videos that will give you the real picture. There are many yahoo
> lyme groups that you can join for help, but you need to get specific. 
> The small bumps that are a rash are typical of other co-infections and right
> now are your easiest of your symptoms to deal with. It could be Rocky
> Mountain Spotted Fever Rash, I wouldn't know. Ticks, horseflies, mosquitoes
> and other insects such as lice, mites, and biting flies carry lyme
> borrelliosis and other bacterial components such as Erhlichiosis, Babesiosis
>  and Bartonella, plus there may be some mycoplasma and other co-infection. A
> sexual partner can infect you. It is being spread from infected Mother to
> unborn fetus and/or through mother's milk, etc. It is not just ticks that
> spread this disease. 
> Good Luck, 
> S-Max 
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 5:46 PM, <> wrote: 
> OK CS'ers -- here's a mystery. Last week I finished up a two-week round of 
> antibiotics (doxycycline hyclate) which I took as a prophylactic response to
> being bitten by a Lyme tick. This week I am experiencing a rash of some type
> appearing on my upper fore-arms and the back of my hands. The rash consists 
> of small red bumps -- like tiny blisters -- and they are continuing to 
> manifest. They don't itch (well, maybe just a little bit, but negligible). 
> The skin around them appears to be dry and flaky regardless of application 
> of moisturizer. New bumps appear every day, the older ones don't appear to 
> be going away. What the heck's going on with me???? Could this be a delayed 
> reaction to the antibiotics? Anyone have any ideas? MA 
> --
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