dee wrote:
yes but its not Microsoft s fault that hackers target them is it?  I find
Microsoft fine with everything really and most programs are geared for
Microsoft. and I have a friend who has Linux and she finds it very good with
some things but not being a techie, she has to have her son keep sorting
it out for her when things go wrong.  dee
Yes it is their fault. They are targeted because their products are like swiss cheese, with no security at all. For instance, where every other system in the world forced a person to enter a password to get onto a server, Microsoft decided that if you entered a password to get onto your own workstation, that should give you access to all the servers on the network, including all Windows machines on the internet. Pure idiocy. There were thousands of security holes in virtually every product they have produced. Security for them has never been a prime issue, and it shows. Believe me, if Unix systems were as prone to attack as Microsoft products, you would see just as many viruses and worms for them. They simply do not exist because these operating systems were designed to be hack proof. After all hacking into a Unix system that contains thousands or millions of credit card numbers would be a lot more lucrative than hacking into one person's personal computer with maybe one or two numbers available. I have found they even put things in to make it difficult for normally secure programs to remain secure. For instance for perl programs there is the -T (stands for tainted) option, that you use as a compiler directive to prevent hacking. When installed on Unix systems, it works fine. For Windows servers, they will not even let you compile the program with that option, it is like they don't want the system to be secure, even for programs written be be secure.


Langsley wrote:
On Wednesday
20 August 2008 5:15 am, Dee wrote:
my programs are updated
 daily Chuck, and I have the latest version of the
Shield as
well.  I also
have *three* anti Spyware programs running!
one of those things
 that we are plagued with in
this modern world
unfortunately.  dee

be if you didn't run Microsoft software!!

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