On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:39 PM, Dan Nave <dan.n...@nilfisk-advance.com>wrote:

> Seconded.
> Kurt has a long track record of posting now.
> To be charitable, let's just say his posts belong on the OT list.
> He would be in better company there too...
Yeah I agree but I wouldn't hold my breath. The first time I remember Mike
asking him to take it off topic he replied  "I guess I see things a bit
differently maybe? ........ Don't you feel it's important to get the message
out there to people,...."

and he never did take it off topic.  I do however find it sad that because
of him other people won't join this list as they feel it lacks credibility.
And now we have someone else wanting to leave because of it. As you say it
could all be solved if if he just posted it on the right list - the OT one.
Some people of course are just so intent on proselitising their own views
that the rest of us don't get a choice.
