"What" was the truth? That some people shouldn't have flu shots at some times and some that shouldn't, do??
 That any given doctor should be able to tell the difference 100% of the time?
Especially..... when not consulted before hand.

The truth is this.  Doctors are humans that are expected to be infallible Gods.
When *one* isn't, when one can't make a perfect guess in the millions of human variations....they are *all* Devils. Even when not asked, they should prevent bad moves at bad times with precognition...or it's a conspiracy.

So, Doctors either know absolutely everything, all the time...or... they know nothing??? The reasoning is that doctors are killers because they aren't Gods...and.... they ARE-Gods. [Worshiped with health insurance policies, dearly paid for by nonbelievers who keep those policies paid up like a religeon]

 Both, the flu *and* the flu shot can trigger dying.
The question is, which does that job more often, in what particular person at what particular time?

That doc had a sense of humor about being accused of being a mass murderer by those who come to him *despite* their belief that he's a killer.
Isn't that like going to a hangman to cure a sore throat?

That doc had a sense of humor ..a part of remaining reasonably sane when so many that you see are not. He's heard it a thousand times. Doc, you killer, cure me NOW. If you can't, you prove my point..and I'm here...for some "reason" ????

THAT's the truth.
 I do it myself...much to my own dismay.  LOL

 Sorry Doc, don't mind me, I'm  just crazy... and.... happen to know it.

The TRUTH is.. people in general, are generally NUTS. [Just look around, not much makes a lot of sense.]

... and I ARE one.

Once upon a time I thought things should make sense, then I decided to just live with what is and dodge as many run away trains as possible. ..no longer overtly suicidal...haven't had a desire to kill anyone for quite a while now.


At 02:21 PM 8/23/2008 +0000, you wrote:

My mom had congestive heart failure, when we first found out we had to take her to the er, there the er doc asked if she had, had a flu shot lately, my brother had taken her,as I do not believe in them, any way he said that, that was the population control shot. He said it sort of joking but you could tell it was the truth.
-------------- Original message from Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net>: --------------

> >People aren't all that hard to kill.
> > "They" aren't doing a very good job.
> Ode
> >Articles in magazines all over the world relative to population control.
> >
> --
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