Dear Marshall,

You write:
> The biggest problem I have with
> links is that I will copy the text of a link to say an AIM window,
> then change the link before I send it. The receiver than gets a link
> that says what I want it to say, and do, but if he clicks on it, goes
> to the old address before I copied it.  I am not sure if Thunderbird
> does that as well or not.

I bet what's happening is you're changing only the visible label text 
but not the actual URL in the link... Let's see if I can illustrate 
that without it being interpreted as code:  

A hyperlink in HTML consists of 

'<a (the actual link) > label text </a>' ...  


>  <a href="";>Silver List web site!</a> 

Now, I don't know if your e-mail program is going to try to render the 
above example as a link or show you the code behind the link, but the 
actual address included in the first <a ...> part is, while the text describing the link is 
"Silver List web site." The latter is what shows on a web page, the 
former is where the link sends you when you click on it.  

It's not uncommon to just repeat the address for both parts, in which 
case, if you change the visible part and leave the actual address 
alone, you get the behavior you're talking about.  

I don't know how you can get under the surface to get to the code in an 
AIM window or what have you, but that seems to be the root of the 

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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