Brooks - I have purchased a three (3) month supply of the Del-Immune V because my Immune system is really out of wack and has been for at least 6 months. I have been getting every illness that comes down the line (thanks to grandchildren who share their little diseases with me). I will try this and see if it helps restore my vim and vigor. I don't know about any side effects and will also let you know any negatives. Thanks for letting us know about this product.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brooks Bradley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 7:57 PM
Subject: CS>Del-Immune V : Research Commentary

This post relates to a current/on-going investigation we are prosecuting, relating to more powerful immune system boosters. One of the more outstanding candidates has demonstrated to be a member of the "probiotic" family. The seminal work, originally performed by the Russians during the Cold War (conducted during investigations looking for Biological Warfare countermeasures) focused on members of the Lactobacillus family. Originally identified as Lactobacillus bulgaricus, this useful strain was, later, more correctly identified as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The D-V strain was found to be unusually powerful, as an immune system stimulant,when fractionated to potentiate the cell-wall fragments. Without this fractionation//lysing (originally conducted by the Bulgarians circa 1970's) , the useful components found inside the cell walls of the bacterium...remained totally isolated from the surrounding environment......thus denying the biological environment their beneficial stimulation. I post this email to inform the list membership that we are greatly encouraged by our early results from the intital investigations. Most especially in the address of the effects upon potential biological warfare agents--------as well as resisting the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation. Interestingly, animal experiments conducted by some Russian labs report a 30X higher immune resistance among animals treated with the substance (later named Del-Immune V), than that of untreated animal subjects used as controls. They were quite successful in "prophylactically" elevating the immunity in advance of pathogenic exposure/infection. We have been fascinated and quite surprised at our positive far. However, it is early in our investigation. I include one reference ( the URL at the bottom of the page), from among a multiplicity of advertisers....which outlines a reasonably acceptable historical description of the evolution of the Del-Immune product. I simply do not have the time--or the energy---to outline a more complete, accurate history of the efforts involved in developing this line of research. I am not endorsing or promoting this product. I only refer to it because it seems to be the better from among the current probiotic suppliers of this type of substance. Our, particular efforts are concentrating on a single probiotic, namely lactobacillus rhamnosus. The Del_Immune product appears to contain multiple components. As our research progresses I will attempt to keep the membership posted on our results-----positive or negative.
                                 Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley

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