I'm not Diane, but---

Dr. Christopher's BF&C (bone, flesh and cartilage) I believe it is called
something else now, but I'm sure you could still find it at his site by
searching for that name.  It's a tincture and you swish with it, hold it in
the mouth for a bit, and then swallow.

Also, take lots of C and magnesium.  She already has too much calcium, but
not enough magnesium.  A good way to get a good type of magnesium into the
system is to make up Seltzer MoM, which is Seltzer water and Milk of

To make this you get a liter bottle of any type or brand of Seltzer Water
(usually found in the pop section of the grocery store, or the liquor
section) and a bottle of plain, original Milk of Magnesia (not flavored, but
the pink stuff).  

Chill the seltzer water for at least 2 hours.  Open it, but don't shake it. 
Add 3 tablespoons of MoM.  Put the lid back on and shake the bottle.  Keep
shaking and checking until all the MoM is dissolved into the seltzer water. 
This may take a while.  This is your concentrate.

The suggested dilution is to put 1/3 of the liter bottle of Seltzer Mom into
a gallon of distilled or purified water (you can buy the purified or
distilled water in the grocery store).  You do NOT want to mix it into tap
water if your water has fluoride added.  Sip a gallon of this water
throughout the day.

Yes, that's a lot of water to drink, if you are not use to it, but a gallon
of water is actually good for you.  Just start slowly, drinking small
amounts all day and evening long.  

The C should be taken to bowel tolerance, meaning start taking 1000mg (1
gram) of C, wait 2 to 3 hours, take another gram and so on, until your stool
gets soft.  It will not give you the diarrhea, and that's not what you are
looking for, but when the stool gets soft, that is your bowel tolerance. 
Back off 1 gram and that's what you should take every day. 

It may be only 3000mg (3 grams) a day or it may be 8 or more grams a day. 
Each person is different.  That's why you go to bowel tolerance for YOU
instead of saying "take x amount of C", because the amount I need may be
totally different than what you need.  

My friend's daughter reversed her jaw bone loss in 3 months this way.

Well, I just looked at the Christopher site and they now only sell the BF&C
(renamed Complete Tissue & Bone Formula) in capsules instead of tincture. 
So I guess you'd just take the capsules.  My friend is an herbalist so she
had made the BF&C as a tincture for her daughter, because the original
Christopher formula was a tincture.  I can give you the name and address of
some herbalists that still make the original formula or you can simply take
the capsules which can be found at:


-------Original Message-------
Dianne - have you every read anything about reversing bone loss?
Please pass it along if you have any information. My dentist is telling me I
have significant bone loss so if there is a way to help/reverse that, it
would be so wonderful!