are all foot baths ionic?
-------------- Original message from "Peter Converse" <>: --------------

Hi Aldi,
If you make this detox foot bath setup and do it all in one tub, as I have tried for interest sake, you will find the color of the water changing similarly to that of a commercial unit. In a two tub system you will notice only a faint discoloration of the water in comparison and a change in smell which is mostly due to the ionizing effect on the stainless steel spoons.
 What causes the orange (rusty) coloration in the water in a single tub arrangement are the iron oxides being released from the stainless steel during the process.This happens in a pronounced way only when the two electrodes are in the same tub and it becomes more pronounced the closer they are to one another due to the current being proportionally higher and causing the metals to be torn off during electrolysis at a greater rate. This will happen whether or not your feet are in the tub (same as in a commercially available unit). I have experimented with these foot baths a little to satisfy my curiosity.
Impurities in the water can also influence the resulting color as could the salt and anything in it. That being said, many people, including myself, have noticed dark, smelly, scummy material in the water while using a good commercial model to detoxify which cannot be explained away by externals, in my opinion, and seems to clearly point to toxins coming out of the body. This may be debated forever by those for and those against the concept being a reality. There seems to be people of both camps willing to argue this one out till the cows come home.
I have a commercial model also (a Pedi-Flex) and believe that it has helped me to detoxify but I have no empirical evidence such as heavy metal tests to back up my beliefs, just subjective observations.
I doubt that you could use your Colloid Master for this purpose and I wouldn't recommending trying. Making my own two tub foot bath last year cost me about $12 in parts I think. It's about as cheap as it gets and simple to make.
Have fun!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ionic foot baths

Thanks so much Peter. This is something I was looking for... and you see, the ionic foot baths have a color generator built in, so what does that tell you... That you don't have to buy any of these foot baths, but can make your own.
I have the colloid master model to make my CS, so could I possibly use that same generator to put into the foot bath to get the same effects?

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 8:09 PM, Peter Converse <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

Here's an interesting article written by Dr. Richard Loyd about detox foot baths. His recommendation is to use a two tub setup rather than a one. He has some ideas here which have produced good results. He also provides, in addition to a more complex design, a diagram of a very simple detox foot bath which can be made for a few bucks encorporating a 9V battery, a battery harness, a couple of stainless steel spoons, two plastic tubs available from Walmart, water and sea salt.



----- Original Message ----- From: "ccdirectt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ionic foot baths

I tried it once with a chiropractor.I think it kinda put some stain on my kidneys.I posted this photo on curezone.You can see it pulled something out of me. This are before & after photo.

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