This sounds like candida dieoff.....very much like what happened to me when
I started on cs for my candida.  I couldn't remember anything for two
seconds, the fog was very thick for a while.  I also had really bad
intestinal cramping.  Hang in there, it'll pass, and you'll feel a lot
better on the other side of this experience.

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 8:53 PM
Subject: CS>Off Topic question about die off

>Can any of you guys tell me what your die off feels like, especially from
>candida or from parasites?
>I've felt for the last ten days like I am on another planet - or living
>outside my body and watching everything as if it was a movie. And I'm very
>disoriented if I move too fast, as if I were on a different time scheme
>the outside world. Could this be die off? I'm not really foggy - but I
>think straight either -- witness my accidental posting of the AA petition
>the list.
>Is there any wy that it could be the colloidal silver that I used for my
>sinus infection? I did use a lot of very strong (it said 500ppm silver but
>I'm sure was much weaker) cs in my mouth and nose and eyes for about three
>And my eyes are definitely having a tough time focusing?
>thanks so much
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