DMSO what is this? and where can I get this today?

A. Evans/ Paralegal Specialist 
Video Hearing Section, Room #113 
 Desk: 202.461.8863 
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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited
to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire
world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Albert Einstein
1879-1955, Physicist 



From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Eye Health Research Report

My DMSO book says that one drop of DMSO per day will clear cataracts all
by itself...

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Brooks Bradley <>

Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited,
definitive, investigations....I am moved to call two supporting
substances to the attention of list members. From among a number of
candidates addressed in searching for the most economical/effective
modalities for attenuating/preventing cataracts.....we achieved our
best---and most rapid success using NAC (n-acetyl L-carnosine)......for
cataract presentations. This substance, in mild solution, (amended with
low-percentage DMSO [ 5%] by volume)...effected very powerful 
beneficial influence upon the cross-linked proteins which cause the
clouding of the normally 
clear tissue fields (i.e. cataracts). This simple protocol yielded (in
our view) splendid, 
non-invasive, results.....for literally----pennies. Very positive
benefits were achieved in ALL of the early-onset presentations and
sufficient improvement in 80% of the ADVANCED avoid
or postpone surgical interventions. 
The second substance----one relating to age related macular degeneration
(ARMD)---- we found to be of positive effect, was a pigment occurring in
a marine form of Red Algae. Actually, it is a carotenoid and related to
both lutein and beta-carotene in structure.....but exhibits more
powerful antioxidant effects. It is a natural dye occurring in such red
algae as Gigartina. The substance is Astaxanthin.....and it demonstrated
to be the STAR in our Dry-type ARMD studies. In addition to yielding
very strong benefit in our ARMD evaluations, Astaxanthin favorably
improved the time response, when used as an ancillary support for the
volunteers with cataracts. 
We do not recommend any specific supplier of these substances. A brief
internet search engine request will furnish a number of reliable sources
of these substances. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
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Day Sutton