Marshall, my sister calls me for help all the time. She takes prescription
meds and has problems because of that. I thought it would be great if a
healer could help her. How did your friend get attacked?  Jess

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>healing hands Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England

Having been involved with energy medicine ( hands on healing, etc. ) for
some time, I would like to point out that one should NEVER send healing
to someone without their permission ( or the parent's permission of it
is a child ).  That is a No No, and is infringing on their free will.
Permission can be asked verbally from the person, or can be obtained at
a higher level at the soul level, if the "healer" has that gift of
communication. I do not have the ability to receive permission from the
oversoul, perhaps Steve does.  I had a friend who tried to do Reichi on
a person without their permission, and was virtually attacked for it.
The person was going though the problems as part of their spiritual
growth, and their oversoul seriously did not want him interfering with it.


jessie70 wrote:
> Steve, my sister's name is Kelly in Vernon Hills, IL. Please send her
> healing energy. She has "burning" pain in her body and she constantly
> focuses on the past & negativity. Thanks, Jess
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* []
>     *Sent:* Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:41 PM
>     *To:*
>     *Subject:* RE: CS>healing hands Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England
>       If anyone has any doubt as to whether remote/distance healing is
>     real I would be willing to put to prove it to you by first hand
>     experience. I have been doing remote healing for many years. Shoot
>     me an email describing your pain, emotional or physical, and
>     distress level 1-10. All I need is your name and location. I will
>     send healing energy for 10min and if it makes a difference you can
>     post in the OT silverlist section. If you have no pain and would
>     like to just feel an energy boost I can do that too. You are free
>     to call me if you have any other questions.
>     Sincerely
>     Steve
>     <> for further info
>     ---------- Original Message ----------
>     From: Faith Saint Francis <>
>     To: <>
>     Subject: RE: CS>healing hands   Spiritual Healing Sanctuary in England
>     Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 19:31:47 -0500
>     Hi Circle,
>     I do not participate much lately,
>     being a bit messed up in my private life (divorce and thangs)
>     There is a world-renowned Healing Center in England,
>     The Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary,
>     who work only by distant healing with very pure Healers,
>     I know by experience (for myself and for clients of mine)
>     that they do excellent work!
>     Just browse Harry Edwards, and see,
>     or otherwise I do have their data
>     Take care,
>     and don't get messed up wityer wives!
>     F S F
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     From:
>     To:
>     Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:01:17 -0400
>     Subject: CS>healing hands
>     Hi Everybody,
>     These days I only participate in this discussion occasionally, but
>     I continue to be very grateful for what I've learned here.  Please
>     open your minds to what I'm about to tell you, since so many of us
>     who deal with CS know skepticism very well!
>     Years ago, as a child, I had the opportunity of a passing
>     acquaintance with a couple who were both spiritual healers, named
>     Olga and Ambrose Worrall.  I feel certain that they have been
>     among the most gifted healers of the past sixty or seventy years!
>     There's a wonderful book that's available in libraries, and at
>     Amazon, entitled, /Olga Worrall Mystic with the Healing Hands/, by
>     Edwina Cerutti, published by Harper and Row in 1975.
>     Olga and Ambrose were both clairvoyant from an early age, but had
>     experienced so much skepticism that they didn't talk about this to
>     anyone.  Nor did they tell each other about their respective
>     gifts, until they became engaged!  Then they decided to dedicate
>     their lives to spiritual healing, never receiving payment!
>     The work of Olga and Ambrose had a profound influence on me, from
>     the age of sixteen.  Now I cannot read their book without shedding
>     an ocean of tears.
>     Reid
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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