 "The voices in my head don't bother me a bit; it's the voices in 
 *your* head that really scare me."

On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 06:34:16PM -0400, Kathy wrote:
>      From: W.G.E.N.
>      Thanks to WGEN reader, Deborah, for the following:
>      Hi Jackie,
>      Notice at the linked website there are words about obeying the  
> government. The informed U.S. citizens do not want to accept the 
> genocidal swine flu vaccinations. So many U.S. citizens are uninformed 
> that the swine flu vaccine has the live virus as well as deadly toxins 
> like squalene. Some may think that the swine flu vaccine is safe and thus 
> obey government orders to accept that vaccine.
>      Some may think that any government order for forced vaccines is just 
> a test to see if the U.S. citizens are against government caused 
> genocide-mass murders. However, numerous countries government officials 
> have made orders for genocide-mass murders of their citizens using 
> various methods.
>      Already there is genocide-mass murders going in the U.S. through  
> various methods. Even though, as you know, there are natural remedies for 
> cancer, the main stream medical system gives cancer patients chemo 
> therapy and radiation, which causes very many of the cancer patients to 
> die. Intentionally giving wrong medical treatments causing pateints to 
> die is genocide-mass murders.
>      With their being about 23,000 acknowledged murders in the U.S. each  
> year, and the state and local elected officials never having become 
> serious to really tackle the acknowledged murders, that is genocide-mass 
> murders too.
>      With their being from 2 to 4 million abortions (counting those 
> caused by the I.U.D.s and morning after pills) each year in the U.S. that 
> is genocide-mass murders too. The government officials have never become  
> serious about addressing the root causes of many abortions such as  
> preventing rapes and as to consensual relations between men and women in  
> which males desert the females due to the pregancy. The government 
> officials must have been afraid to offend the rapists and other unworthy 
> males. Some government officials are rapists too.Thus, many government 
> officials went along with the pol icy of massive abortions.
>      I hope that the county sheriffs will be informed about the genocidal 
> effects of the swine flu vaccine and decide to be against those vaccines 
> for the public. I hope that the county sheriffs will protect the public 
> against all enemies whether foreign or domestic.
>      Deborah
>      ========
>      From: National Steam Forum
>      Nomo Lyin
>      How They're Preparing For "Swine Flu"
>      Thu Aug 6, 2009 7:28pm
>      Here's a brochure for a conference in DC later this month where they 
> will teach people how to deal with a "Swine Flu" pandemic - and what  
> scenarios they expect. Looks like they're planning to make a bundle from  
> conference fees while they're at it. Maybe some of us should attend? As 
> you can see in the right column, high casualties are anticipated.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: "Indi" <>
> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2009 4:25 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Steps to take to avoid forced flu vaccination
>> "Yes, though some states do try to push vax via public schools, there
>> is usually an opt-out clause. And of course, there is no law that
>> requires children to attend *public* schools.
>> No, but their are plenty of restrictions put in place by the government 
>> (and supported by teacher's unions) that severely restrict other 
>> options. The voucher program for inner-city kids in DC?  Worked great, 
>> killed by the current administration (temporarily extended after outcry 
>> by the parents of students currently in the program).  The concept is 
>> targeted at every turn, with precisely the goal of eliminating that 
>> option for most and forcing "customers" into the public school system.  
>> Trust the government at your peril.
>> ---- Indi <> wrote:
>> =============
>> Hi Kathryn,
>> On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 10:31:48AM -0500, Clayton Family wrote:
>>> To opt out you just need to fill out a form that says you object to it,
>>> and sign it in front of a notary, then turn it in.
>> Yes, though some states do try to push vax via public schools, there
>> is usually an opt-out clause. And of course, there is no law that
>> requires children to attend *public* schools.
>>> I also do not agree with the lines of thought expressed by the link- no
>>> one in their right mind would sign such a document no matter what their
>>> belief. The document is non sensical and illogical.
>> I agree, it reads like a bad joke.
>> But a surprising number of people display little capacity for critical
>> thinking and are easily swayed by such paranoid talk.
>> -- 
>> indi
>> "Fear of govt regulation plays right into the hands of big corporate
>> interests -- and regulation is the only thing that keeps them from
>> owning us outright."
>> --
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