Yes but not as rigorously. Once a day 4 to 5 times a week. I know that 
bentonite coats the intestinal walls and can continue to pull heavy metals and 
toxins back through the intestinal wall. Eventually it loses its negative 
charge (saturates), falls off the wall and passes on out. I don't know for sure 
that zeolite also provides a coating but my guess is that it does. 

Having lived in the time of lead paint, leaded gas, lead solder, PCB and 
numerous toxic pesticides, I like the idea of a substance working to reduce 
residual toxins. Even if only slowly. I also hope that it might reduce the 
possibility of developing cancerous polyps in the colon. (Note: I have no basis 
for claiming it will affect polyp growth. It is just a hope)

- Steve N


From: Deborah Gerard <> 
To: <> 
Sent: Sat Aug 15 12:04:32 2009
Subject: Re: CS>Re: zeolite question please do you drink it? 

Thanks Steve are you still taking it?

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Norton, Steve <> wrote:

        From: Norton, Steve <>
        Subject: Re: CS>Re: zeolite question please do you drink it?
        Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 12:53 PM
        Debbie and Day.
        I hope you don,t mind me answering both of your questions together. 
        My goal was to get rid of a gum infection and not the other items. I 
got some calcium bentonite clay. It was a swelling version. Pure calcium 
bentonite clay does not swell however sodium bentonite clay swells about 9 
times its dry volume. The clay I had swelled about 3 times its dry volume. So 
my guess that it had some sodium bentonite in it. I already had powdered 
zeolite but it is gritty when used alone and so I blended it with the 
        At first I hydraded the clay to a soft mud texture and mixed in some 
zeolite. I didn't measure but it was mostly bentonite since the bentonite was 
swollen with water. By dry volume they would been close in volume I think. I 
would take enough of the mixture to hold in the mouth covering the teeth and 
gums. My guess is that it was about 1 level Tbsp. I would hold it in the mouth 
from 10 to 30 minutes and then swallow. I would use it when I would't need to 
talk - on the bus to/from work or while on the computer. 
        Eventially I realized that it wasn't necessary to be thick to work and 
I diluted it more to be a liquid and carried it with me in a small squirt 
bottle that I could simply shake and take a squirt of it. 