Dear Sandy,
My apologies; I neglected to outline the attendant, probable, variations in the
protocol. What I SHOULD have said in my original post is "The visible, obviously
homogenized, portion of the solution", whenever I made the comment about the stability of the completed, resultant, material.
I believe you will gain a little better knowledge of the results you achieved, after reading my most recent comment on an inquiry by Sheila.
Bottom line----your result was perfectly normal. Interestingly, the meniscus may present at the top...or the bottom.....or not at all. Usually if the initial material combination
has not run long enough to incorporate a majority of the lecithin (or there is simply too much lecithin for the available ascorbic acid fraction.....the meniscus will form on the top of the sample....within a few minutes after stopping the US agitation.
If your procedure has run acceptably well and----long enough to homogenize well, any meniscus formation will, generally, present on the BOTTOM after overnight storage---
with or without refrigeration.
In any event, you are doing fine. If you do not want to consume the isolated lecithin fraction you are observing, just decant the homogenized liposome solution and
dispose of the isolated lecithin fraction.
I hope this information helps your dilema.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s. One just needs to continue to experiment "around-the-edges" of this protocol, in order to achieve optimum results. Do not be reluctant to do such...this IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE....just common sense.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : CS>Oop! Liposomal Vit-C

Date : Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:01:28 -0700 (PDT)

From : Sandy Hollis <>

To : CS <>

Hi all...

After my first batch of LC sat in the fridge over night it separated...wondering if anyone could explain why or what I might have done wrong? Brooks said it would not separate....hum?

Best regards...


Live and let live...

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