Hi! Please STOP taking Invive right now!!! It WILL turn you blue! (and it
will certainly put you in the poor house...)I`ll email you the directions
for the simple generator, which makes CS for a few cents a gallon! I have
used it since 1996, and am now as well as can be, and still pink as a
piggy! (Fat as one too. sigh...Love that chocolate, way too much! LOL)
Yes, CS is the ONLY thing that stopped my Lyme. Doxy for 6 years didn`t. (I
wouldn`t take the iv crap.)
Only side effects: it stops mild depressions, eases a allergic reactions and
asthma. (All in my own personal experience.)
CS made the way I make it won`t turn you blue as it is so fine it is easily
excreted via the liver.
I take 1 swallow per day as a preventive, 3 for active infections (as in
tummy ache from eating something off.)
My swallow = 1/3 Cup.
Dangers? none!
Have used it successfully for birds (giardia) guinea pigs (eye infections)
Pugs (smelly breath) plants (mold) and cut flowers (they last for weeks!)
PLMK if you have further questions. If you want my whole story, you can
email me privately and I`ll send my phone number. (My brain damage tells me
I have no feet and sitting here make them swell and ache. So it is easier to
chat on the phone. I can call back on my cheap  long distance nickel if you
I`d like to hear YOUR story, too!
Be WELL!!!!
Marshalee, mom to 4 grandma to 9, 8 living, and owned by 2 Pug dogs.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 6:10 PM, <luv2h...@optonline.net> wrote:

> Marshallee...
> Thanks and glad to hear the CS helped with your Lyme.  Mine is in the late
> disseminated stage as well, had it since 1986 though it was only diagnosed 3
> years ago.  Three years of antibiotics, both orally and shots, haven't
> helped too much so I'm looking into other options.  CS appears to be a
> recommended option and I've just started using a product called Invive 5000
> ppm.....however, at the recommended dosage of 4 teaspoons per day it will
> become somewhat expensive at $100 per 118 ml bottle.  So I have some
> questions, if you don't mind.
> Are you confident CS was the primary reason for the Lyme being cured?
> Could it have been something else?
> What was the strength and dosage you were taking, and for what duration?
> What side effects should I be concerned about? (so far the only thing I've
> read about is skin discoloration)
> Who manufactures a good product at a reasonable price?
> Is is worth making my own CS solution, how difficult is it, and what
> dangers are involved?
> thanks!
> Mike
> Jackson, NJ