Yes, agreed about that Invive -- dangerous stuff. But you know, some people 
heal from the power of suggestion, aka "faith healing" or "the placebo effect".

Hey, whatever works.


Effectiveness is the measure of truth.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 06:03:36AM -0400, Ode Coyote wrote:
>   Invive is Mild Silver Protein
> MSP is said to be about 1/50 as effective as home made as most of the  
> silver is covered by protein and the particle sizes are pretty large.
> You can Google "Chemical Supply" and buy MSP powder by the kilo for a  
> reasonable price...just mix with water.
>  There is now another product in the catalog called "nano-silver powder". 
> which is probably far superior.
> The Invive website only survives making ludicrous claims and dangerous  
> recommendations *** because it's based in Canada....and I don't think it  
> makes any Canadian sales.
> "loophole" to avoid the FTC and FDA and whatever Canadian legalities as well
> *** To bring the level of silver "in the blood stream" up to a effective 
> 20 PPM, it takes.....
>  WHAT!!!!
> If I were you I'd stay away from that pack of dangerous crooks [Invive]
> Ode
> At 02:20 PM 8/19/2009 +0100, you wrote:
>> I don't think anyone would recommend taking this ppm for any length of  
>> time.  Much better (and cheaper!) to make your own and just as, if not  
>> more, effective.  dee
>> On 19 Aug 2009, at 01:10,  
>> <> wrote:
>>> Marshallee...
>>> Thanks and glad to hear the CS helped with your Lyme.  Mine is in the 
>>> late disseminated stage as well, had it since 1986 though it was only 
>>> diagnosed 3 years ago.  Three years of antibiotics, both orally and  
>>> shots, haven't helped too much so I'm looking into other options.  CS 
>>> appears to be a recommended option and I've just started using a 
>>> product called Invive 5000 ppm.....however, at the recommended dosage 
>>> of 4 teaspoons per day it will become somewhat expensive at $100 per 
>>> 118 ml bottle.  So I have some questions, if you don't mind.

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